Thursday, January 8, 2009

Essay come. Essay go

In writing previous blogs I have often felt rushed and pressured to give as much information in as short amount of space as possible. I suppose it is a fear issue that I carried from high school or collage in completing essays. I might possibly be the worst person in the world at finishing something. I am a great starter though. With that being said this blog spot is a dedication to my on going, never finishing projects. There is guaranteed to be some rambling and rants. There will be some weird stuff as well. When the angels come to see me again you all will be the first to know. Religious folks beware, I love you but I think your lifestyle sucks. Just stick with me and hear me out as I share my life and execute the Adam in me.


  1. I can empathize, as I'm also great at the starting, not so much the finishing. May good things come from this endeavor!

  2. blog looks good. when i got the email, I thought it said executing a dam. couldn't figure it out. HA

  3. I just wanted to post something on your first blog....ok....bye...
