Saturday, January 31, 2009

Guns n Roses Sweet Child o' mine "A Prophetic Melody for a Generation"

Sweet Child O’ Mine
"A Prophetic Melody for a Generation"
The other day while driving with my family I was switching through the radio stations to find some oldies when I came across the guitar solo that is the intro to Sweet Child O’ Mine, this is one of the songs that I have loved since I was a teenager. As the lyrics began and I began to sing along the Lord blasted a wind through my spirit. He spoke to me in my spirit and said, " let me sing this to you, My child, My church, to this generation." As the words poured forth there was such an agreement in my spirit that I started to weep. I began to realize God’s heart towards His beloved. It was not a love song for a savior it was a love song from our Savior. I encourage you to find the lyrics for yourself and allow them to minister to you. In the season that we are approaching it is important to stay in a place of intimacy with the Lord.
The Lord showed me that Jesus remembers when the concept of our relationship with Him all started. Of how He chose for Himself a people, and how we are the apple of His eye.
Society abroad has propagated a mind set of poor character, apathy, and hatred toward innocense. And there is as many people groups promoting the problems as there are people groups giving suggestions of quick fixes. So I will throw my hat in the ring and give mine as well. Being careful not to draw you away from the original point of restored intimacy. When Jesus came on the scene, He was on a mission to restore the world back to the original plan of God. This could only be accomplished by an innocent man becoming a ransom for all condemned man. When Jesus stood on the rock of Judgement and was exchanged for Barabbas a guilty man, this was being accomplished. It was in His (Jesus) death that He put an end to the curse of sin and death. Sin because He gave His life for yours and mine. Death because He rose from the dead. There by ending deaths reign in the Earth. So according to scriptures God is no longer mad at man and man has been completely reconciled back to God not by their goodness or sacrifices but because of the goodness and sacrifice that Jesus made on behalf of all men.
God created man with the full intention that man would exist in the Earth by exercising our own will and rights as Sons of God. Ruling and reigning in the Earth continually drawing from the unseen realm into the seen realm. We have had this concept perverted by years of man made religions and wrong translations. Man has drifted away from the idea and concepts of the Kingdom and gravitated toward the doctrines and traditions of men. What does all this have to do with the song, you ask? Simply put, God’s heart is that we all begin to function at the capacity that He has created us for. He longs to see us develop into the fullness of the Sons of God. Not only God Himself but according to Romans chapter 8 all of creation is looking forward to the emergence of the Son of God. Because creation will be delivered from it’s corruption by the Sons of God. God’s heart is crying out to His children, His bride. The lyrics in the bridge say, "Where do we go now?" This reminds me of a question that God asked me once when I was seeking His direction. He asked me, "What do you want to do?" I feel as though God is asking this generation the same question. As Sons of God where do you want to go? What do you want to do? The adventures of Global restoration lies ahead of us all. God is calling His children to our place of Dominion. Will you answer the call? All has been redeemed it is our job as evangelist to bring the world to that realization.

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