Thursday, January 8, 2009


The use of the term evangelist exist twice in the New Testament this is interesting for several reasons. The First is that both times it was given in reference to the maturity of believers. The first when the Apostle Paul told Timothy (his understudy) to do the work of an evangelist. Second is when addressing the church in Ephesus (Ephesians 4) when he told them of the 5 gifts given for the maturing of the saints. The Word simply means one who tells of the good news of God's grace. We (in the church world) have placed so much focus on the main gaol of the believer "winning souls" however this is not the main goal. Jesus told us what the main goal was when He was asked what the greatest commandment was. He replied that you Love God and that you love your neighbor.Loving God is your first priority and the second comes from the first that you love your neighbor as you love yourself. If you loved your neighbor why wouldn't you tell them of your love for God and His grace towards you. Evangelism was never meant to be about tracks, cubes, scare tactics, heaven or hell. That's right I said heaven or hell. Jesus never, at any point in His earthly ministry threatened someone with hell in order to pressure them to follow Him. Neither did He suggest they would not go to heaven. Heaven was always presented as a present reality not a final destination. So evangelism seems to be more about telling others of the grace that is available to them and the present reality of heaven that is obtainable in Christ Jesus. Jesus became the way for man to reconnect with God.The grace or gospel of the kingdom is good news. The good news is that God's not mad at us anymore. His wrath was quenched by the blood of His son Jesus. He loves us and the provisions of His kingdom are available to all men. They just don't know it yet. We (evangelist) must tell them.

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